Everything is Everything. This simply means that how you do anything is how you do everything. We are what we repeatedly do, but everything we do is also interwoven into every area of our life.
We are not only the summation of habits be we are continually redefining who we are. The way we approach the problems, implement processes, and approach people must evolve with our understanding of who we are and what we are meant to do.
Pursuing purpose requires a continuous refinement of the daily micro-behaviors that comprise who we are becoming. When we believe that everything we do is connected to who we are, we take seriously the seemingly insignificant details of life.
The leader committed to excellence believes these things to always be true:
- I believe that everything I do matters.
- I believe that I will never make a single choice in my life in a vacuum.
- I believe the way I do SMALL things is the way I do ALL things.
I know that every decision I make has a cumulative effect on the person I want to become. That my character is always the sum of my habits. I will choose to sweat the small stuff, do little things like they are big things, and be great at the things that take no talent because I believe that how you do anything is how you do everything.
The stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius said this about the interconnectedness of all things:
“Meditate often,” he writes, “on the interconnectedness and mutual interdependence of all things in the universe.”
This Stoic concept of Sympatheia, is the idea that “all things are mutually woven together and therefore have an affinity for each other.” There are no shortcuts or cheap tricks on the path to excellence. Excellence is a difficult standard to live by, because it requires an unwavering commitment to the relentless process of iteration and refinement. But those who have the strength and the discipline to pursue excellence daily, will reap the rewards exponentially.
This is true in all facets of life: what we consume, what we think, and what we do. What we watch, listen, and read today, becomes a part of who we become in the future. What we do today, determines who we are tomorrow. What you think today, influences how you respond tomorrow.
Be great at the things that take no talent, like treating people with respect, kindness, and dignity. Everything is everything. How you treat one person today influences how you deal with that difficult situation tomorrow. Don’t let yourself be defined by the present circumstance.
Rather, with intention, understand that what you do, who you are, and who you are becoming are interwoven in an infinite web of endless connection.
Everything is Everything.
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